Question Of the DAY















12/19: Q.O.D: should you ever go through your Gf/Bf’s phone for non emergencies


What if it’s life or death and you need to reach their mom or something idk lol

Going through- unlocking and checking messages calls and apps

No way! If you look 4 something you might just find it. And even if you’re just looking in your own phone mine…

Sorry 4 my typos ya’ll but meant 2 type look in your own phone not mine….

lol so what emergency would require you to go through messages and apps? 😂😂😂

Idk just tried to make it sound reasonable, you ever went through a phone


yes but not without her consent, i could just be toying with her phone, likewise she could do same to my phone, it shows intimacy and trust, or if she want privacy with her phone, there is no need bordering myself checking her phone about in as much as i know love exist between us, i love her and she love me.

12/20:Q.O.D: How serious is a Christmas gift from your significant other


i dont really need a gift but i would like one…main focus are the kids

Kids!!!!! Great point!

When kids aren’t a factor…’s not THAT serious, but it is nice. As long we both don’t give gifts it’s cool. But if one gives and the other doesn’t, that will make me feel some type of way lol

Nope just make sure the kids are good.. birthdays are the big deal

What about no kids

12/21: QOD: can you take someone back who was honest about cheating on you



Because they didn’t lie about it?

Because they were honest about it you get further with me by telling the truth but I’m only taking you back once

Yes but in all honesty the relationship is never the same even though he told the truth the point is that he cheated. Literally chose someone else over the relationship for whatever reason

Nah lol I would always assume he’s still doing it or will do it

I think honesty is most important, cheating isnt ok at all but I would respect and even probably trust a guy that can tell me the truth about what he did.. we would talk and figure out why he did it and so on

12/27: Q.O.D: Should you let your S/O follow you on Social Media


Sure why not?

If not we not together… so you just wanna be a cyber thot huh?

Nah man cause imma be me and she has to accept me for me lol.. same for me I accept it

12/29:Q.O.D: What qualifies someone to be considered a “Hoe” or “Whore” (For my sophisticated audience) lol


I feel like a person can have hoe or whore tendencies ex: more so single people that are dating different people. What gives them the bashful name is when everybody know who you’re fucking. People know x number of people within your associates that have ran through. Or when you’re in a committed relationship and cheating.

I can only say what i believe i was. I was quite the hoe and I aint afraid to speak the truth lmao

I dont know if its really black and white. Like a specific body count or a line to cross. I think it has more to do with the mindset. Like for me, i gave no f*ck$ about who i did things with or who i was with. I just wanted sex and got it when i wanted it. That’s a hoe.

12/30 QOD: should you spend all your time with your S/O or should you keep somedays just for yourself


There should of course be a balance.

Nah man… I need my Me time

Everyone needs “me”time

Definitely keep days to yourself

12/31 QOD: fellas you ever got so lost in love you find yourself out of character..saying shit like “DO YOU LOVE HIM” “Yo text that nigga ONE MO TIME, and see wat happens”…wait wtf did I just say (thoughts in your mind)  RNS Keep it real lol


Happened once… Won’t happen again

Lol 😂 , ain’t it funny now tho, like wtf was I on

Growing pains lol


01/03: QOD: if you treat a person as if your married to them…what’s the point of actually getting married


Or what’s the point of not being married? 👀

I look at it like, you should put limits on what you do in the pre married stage

01/06:QOD: if something is in the Bible, can you get offended at it being talked about in Church in 2017 Hint: Kim Burrell


I mean she went in… she had her own agenda that she was “speaking through God” … and then she had that whole sermon, but yet was scheduled to go on Ellen Degeneres show…

ahh ok well people pick and choose what they want to be ok with in the bible homosexuality is a sin yes but what about a man being in the same house while a woman is on her period…thats a sin too…not sure where your question is tho haha kinda went left

lol I used homosexuality as an example, but it’s all things in the Bible ….can you be offended if it’s talked about as a sin while your in Church

Should ppl be offended if divorce is preached, that’s also in the Bible? What abt fornication, lying, backbiting, causes discord amongst the brethren,.. these are all abominations too,..should those that indulge in those sins be offended???

I say no, you can’t be offended about the sins in the Bible being talked about in the place that speaks FROM THE BIBLE….the Bible isn’t the dictionary there’s not things added every year to keep up with the times…. if it’s in there and you follow it you can’t be offended

Well I personally feel that she was upset & preached in anger. So because of that I feel she operated in flesh!! As a lot of our preachers do,. Which I believe flesh has no place on the pulpit. Preach the word but you gotta do it in love, everything done in ministry should be done in love so it can be effective!

So a preacher who preachs acceptance to the sin, and preachs with love, in your opinion is that the correct way to operate even if it’s not what’s in the Bible? To me that sounds like they’re preaching opinions

So back to the main question. Should ppl be offended when the preacher says what the Bible does….in Church?

01/14 QOD: should you post pictures of your S/O on social media




You should want to show your partner off unless you are ashamed of them

That sounds like your looking for validation from the wrong people. You two know your in a relationship

Only draw back is like if y’all go through an argument or something, you don’t wanna look at that picture anymore, or if you wanna make a subliminal status, everybody is in on what’s going on between your relationship

01/15 QOD: Should the Man (Male) still be the head of the household in 2017


Yea man…. even if he’s not the bread winner..

I can dig that, now I also think even if he’s not the bread winner he has to be more than able to cover things in case of hard times

Yea he does.. just cause he’s not the bread winner doesn’t mean you go get ya self a Jody

How can he call himself a man if he is not a breadwinner??? A man should always be a provider for his family.

01/16 QOD: is it wrong for a band from an HBCU to perform at Trumps inauguration


It’s wrong for Trump to be inaugurated

Lol good point, but that’s not the question

Will they be marching before or after the KKK?

I heard before but it’s still up in the air

01/24:QOD Was Shayla Rudolph wrong for taping her son to the wall as punishment or was she just wrong for posting it on Facebook Live??


01/25:QOD: should there be a time period in which you discuss your past before your relationship gets serious


0126: QOD: do you agree with abortions being banned



Me too

Simply because we live in a society where people don’t understand balance and accountability. They rely on government and laws to guide their decisions, therefore as leaders we have to decide for the masses.

I agree that women should be able to choose but due to the culture of America I would ban it to prevent damage in retrospect

So y’all think a woman should be forced to keep a baby that was conceived by rape?

The likelihood of a woman getting raped while she’s the same odds as a rose growing through the concrete….oh it’s possible, but not likely

If abortions are banned, men who choose to not be a child’s life should be imprisoned or something else which requires inescapable accountability

01/27: QOD: should you take a relationship serious if it’s not marriage


All relationships should be taken serious no matter what

uuuhh yessss, what kind of question!?

Yes. Otherwise, how do you get to marriage?

One can’t have a marriage without having a a relationship first . So if you don’t take the relationship serious , how will you ever even get to the marriage part ?

Yes relationships sometimes lead to marriage

01/31: QOD: Does your “type” change as you mature




For you, what changed ?

Realizing what I want in life. Deciding what I was willing to settle for and shit that I just refuse to entertain.

Yes it should , the older you get

I’m glad it did lol

02/03: QOD: why are black celebrities “coons for talking to the president” …Eazy E had lunch with Bush in 91′ was he a coon


02/07: QOD: Fellas do you want your woman to wear Make Up, and Ladies would you stop wearing Make Up if your Man wanted you too 


QOD: Why does it seem like they keep adding letters to “LGBT” just to add em,they recently added Q.


Q ? Tf is that for smh this shit is definitely getting out of hand b lol

You feel me doe.. like cmon now

Q stands for queer I believe

Why is it too much?

Because there are letters that keep being added, that you must say if your being politically correct, my thing is im still tryna understand the B T fully, but it’s like it’s a taboo subject, at least break it down

Ohh so it’s too much for YOU. So a personal thing. Well sexuality isn’t black and white liked society has conditioned us to think. However Q stands for Queer. If you’re not sure what that means, google is your friend.

QOD: Do you agree with Trump stopping Transgendered students from using the bathroom of their choice 🤔


Me too, the people that are Transgendered now didn’t get to use any bathroom they wanted in school, but they still found away to comply and be Transgendered lol what’s different now 🤗

QOD: how do you tell someone that they have an “odor” 🤔

Yo you stink

^^^^^ no other way!!!! #ThatIsAll

Lol no pull them to the side or nothing?

Yooo whats that smell, something stink did you fart bro? ? Thats how its done lol

Ask “do you smell that?” And then be like “man that mess is real close” and then start smelling yourself…and then like “I dunno…oh well”….

QOD: Is it okay to be friends with an ex on FB 🤔


Is it cause you know them or because your still friends?

Don’t really care about either I just want them to see how good I’m doing after them 😭😭😭

Ayeeeee 😂😂😂

QOD: How long can you be engaged before it looks like you not getting married 🤔

If your younger a you have a bit more time especially if your in College but grown folks over 40 engaged over 2 years are playing games. He just gave you the ring to quiet you down!!! And give him more time.

1 year

Lol if it’s gonna be more then a year what was the point in doing it so soon

I skipped the whole engagement got married after 5 months lol

QOD: is a man hitting a woman in a relationship treated the same as a woman hitting a woman in a relationship, if not, should it be🤔

Uh. Yeah. It’s all disrespectful.

Disrespectful, but is it treated as malicious

Yes it should be treated the same! This is a topic that is not addressed often enough, even verbal abuse is swept under the rug. Abuse by women appears to be normalized by the idea that “she’s just crazy” and people even have the nerve to find it cute or funny

Domestic abuse within lesbian relationships is bout high af

QOD: why do Faith based religions get countered by science and mathematics 🤔

For example Christianity is religion based on faith in a God you can’t see or touch, yet people will find evidence using science and mathematics to prove the biblical stories never happened

Anything that defies logic is going to be combatted with logic. Makes no sense to try but i personally do it because its fun

Really think about that. Youre really gonna try to combat illogical ideology with logic and think its gonna work?! Thats a losing battle EVERY time. Like tryna swim up a waterfall.
You tell me you believe there’s someone in the sky creating stuff when and how they feel like it with zero proof behind it…what kind of logic could you possibly provide to try and successfully refute that?

QOD: has the country became overly prejudice or have the people became overly sensitive


It already was prejudice, the internet and the election of #45 just helped expose what was already there lying dormant

Good point, so do you think because more opinions are being heard, it’s made us more sensitive as a whole, an now we dig deeper just to find the prejudices

No we more so tired of it! We been fighting since Harriet Tubman days its a new generation and most not tolerating the bullshit…

QOD: Does A break/space mean single

Dealing with me hell yea!!!

So does that mean, no pop ups?

Absolutely not!!!

If we breaking we broke up then

“Break” and “space” is a euphemism for “single” for me

QOD: If you can give Barack Obama credit for being the First Black person to be president, can you give Donald Trump credit for being the first person with no political experience to be president

What even is the point of this question? Lol does Trump deserve “credit” for being the most inexperienced president? Not really. Whereas being black in America and becoming the first black president is an accomplishment showing growth in our nation.

One thing Barack being president showed was for any black person wanting to be president, now they know that being black won’t hold them back….trump did the same for people who don’t have experience in politics wanting to be the president. No experience won’t hold you back

… being black is still going to effect their lives in this society. Obama being president didn’t change that. But Obama worked hard to get where he is… Trump was pampered his whole life and was awarded the position through his many, many privileges. He didn’t work hard to get where he was. And that’s incredibly ignorant… like a majority of jobs don’t explicitly state that prior experience is required.

If you go solely off the question in the post than it’s clear that you have to give credit where it’s do. In terms of the president they both achieved that, one with a little more political experience than the other.

QOD: if a man really loves his woman will he lie to protect her feelings or keep it real no matter what

Keep it real. Don’t leave me blind sided or lie to me. Tell me and let me decide

But what you don’t know won’t hurt you, what you do might hurt you everytime

Keep it real

Bruh. Lying is unacceptable. If it’s a relationship, why lie? You gonna jeopardize the trust over WHAT? Trust is hard to gain back, if at all. That lying shit DEAD B.

Like u said bruh “what you dont know wont hurt u”

QOD: if your childhood friend told you they were now Bisexual, would it matter to YOU

No, i never judged them then, so I won’t do it now.

I meannnn, this may seem closed minded but if it’s my female friend I could care less, but my male friends I may not be as understanding…js

Nope, probably knew it anyway …..

QOD: women would you give your man a DNA test for a child you know is his

I have and when he asked for the second one the judge was like you paying for it and he changed his mind😂😂

Hahaha all I’m saying is why not take a test you gonna get an A on

Damn right so there’s no questions asked

See that’s commendable, even if you feel it’s a insult, just have him make it up to you afterwards

Shit you have to cuz niggas these days don’t know how to act… I’m married as soon as I pop one out for him the baby and him is getting that mouth swabbed call me crazy but I think it should it be a law on that before the birth certificate is signed

QOD: what’s more important to you Religion or Sexuality 🤔🤗

… why either or?

No real reason, just wanted to see what’s more important to you in 2017

It seems as though sexuality has become more important than religion, media wise. I personally feel my spirituality trumps my sexuality but they also go hand and hand.

The idea of spirituality trumping ones sexuality is actually genius in my opinion, I think it would make it a whole lot easier for us to unify

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